
Hi People
so @ summer camp i did Trapeze. Heres the scoop on trapeze, the reason i love it is the rush!!! Crazy exhilaration as u leap off the platform holding the bar and then u fly whizzing through the air. my legs fly up 2 the bar and hook around it i take a deep breath and my arms let go! Then 2 soon my legs are down again. i swing my legs forward, back, knees up, and i let go, i flip through the air before falling down 2 the net i bounce before i'm still lying on the net! A catch: i climb the long ladder up 2 the far 2 small 4 comfort platform, the instructor hooks me 2 the bar grips the belt in back and heart in chest i reach out until i can reach the bar i put my hands up grab it and i leap off the platform and once again i'm flying my legs are up again my hands loose free swinging through the air, the instructor on the next bar swings toward me and it that short moment i reach him as he reaches me and suddenly he holds me in the air and we swing like that until he lets go and the crazy feeling of being on top of the world flying fades, and i'm left wanting more.... once u fly your never satisfied on land again.