Some Excuses 4 u!!!!

Hey People
Here r some way cool excuses 4 u.......
The I know my room is messy's......
1. this isn't mess its performance arts (book)
2. my socks crawled there themselves
3. I'll do it tommorow (procrastinating is an art) (us= A and E)
4. work in progress (us)
5. I did amazing right (us)
6. I'm doing a science experiment 2 fuse mold and dust (book) 

The Why r u so talkitives
1. my last teacher told me 2 speak up in class (book)
2. just because I always talk doesn't mean its alwaysw me (us)
3. who me??????? (us)
4. that was my evil twin (us)
5. my lips came unzipped (book)
6. but "sharing your feelings is good (us)

The Why r u late 4 schools
1. my crazy pet wolf followed me in, u want 2 meet him (book)
2. my clock went wacko (us)
3. I'm not late your all just early (us)
4. but I'm early 4 tomorrow (book)
 5. I was sick...... of school (book)
6. be thankful i showed up (us)
7. i dunno (us)

E, A :)